hwang, retired Pro, KR
“I wished i had a product like this for warm-ups before a big game. GYROSPEED really helps reduce fatigue and muscle ache in my shoulder.”
Ryan, CA
"It's exactly the same as my actual ball speed. It's a great product."
"The speed changes depending on the form, and you can find your own pitching angle."
David, Baseball coach, NY
“I was So excited to start using the Gyrospeed during my coaching sessions. It’s made it much easier for my kids to repitivley practice their pitch.”

GyroSpeed is a new tool that promises to revolutionize the way baseball players, and other athletes, train. This small, portable device uses gyroscopic technology to measure the speed and velocity of arm swings, helping athletes to improve their form, power, and accuracy.
One of the key benefits of GyroSpeed is that it eliminates the need for expensive speed guns or complicated smartphone apps. Instead, users simply need to hold the device and swing their arm to get immediate feedback on their performance.
GyroSpeed can be used by all types of athletes, not just baseball players. It's particularly useful for athletes in sports that require arm swinging, such as volleyball, tennis, and cricket. By tracking the speed and velocity of their arm swings, athletes can get a more accurate picture of their performance and make targeted improvements to their form and technique.